Sound of Heimat: Deutschland singt (2012)

This documentary follows New Zealand jazz musician Hayden Chisholm as he travels throughout Germany discovering local folk music styles and customs.

Director: Unknown
Cast: Hayden Chisholm
Runtime: 01h 29m
Type: Movie

Sound of Heimat: Deutschland singt (2012)

This documentary follows New Zealand jazz musician Hayden Chisholm as he travels throughout Germany discovering local folk music styles and customs.

Director: Unknown
Cast: Hayden Chisholm
Runtime: 01h 29m
Type: Movie
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So, is Sound of Heimat: Deutschland singt available on Netflix in the UK?

Good news! Sound of Heimat: Deutschland singt is avalable on Netflix UK at the moment.

And with NordVPN you can watch thousands more titles that are not currently available in this country. Sign up now to get over 50% off, and 3 extra months.

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Sound of Heimat: Deutschland singt is available in United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Portugal

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Checked on 27/09/2024

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