Formentor, the Sea of Words (2020)

This documentary explores the history of Hotel Formentor in Mallorca, Spain, its effect on culture and the legendary guests that walked its halls.

Director: José Luis López-Linares
Runtime: 01h 31m
Type: Movie

Formentor, the Sea of Words (2020)

This documentary explores the history of Hotel Formentor in Mallorca, Spain, its effect on culture and the legendary guests that walked its halls.

Director: José Luis López-Linares
Runtime: 01h 31m
Type: Movie
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So, is Formentor, the Sea of Words available on Netflix in the UK?

Good news! Formentor, the Sea of Words is avalable on Netflix UK at the moment.

And with NordVPN you can watch thousands more titles that are not currently available in this country. Sign up now to get over 50% off, and 3 extra months.

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Formentor, the Sea of Words is available in United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal

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Checked on 01/10/2024

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